Fenceline Cider Taproom to host Montezuma Rising, a celebration of community

The event is being organized by Durango Desert Child Music band member Zachary Carr

By Bailey Duran Special to The Journal

Wednesday, May 8, 2024 1:43 PM Updated Saturday, May. 11, 2024 3:32 PM

Margie Jeffcoat picks up food from the Fencepost at Fenceline. The taproom will be hosting Montezuma Rising on May 26. (Matthew Tangeman/Special to The Journal)

On Sunday, May 26 starting at 11 a.m., the first annual Montezuma Rising event will take place at the Fenceline Cider Taproom with the goal of celebrating community while putting a spotlight on local nonprofits that work to make a difference in the Four Corners area.

The event will include live musical acts, cider, food and more. Tickets are anticipated to sell out quickly.

“Montezuma Rising is both a music festival and a celebration of the wonderful community we have in Mancos and Montezuma County,” Desert Child bassist and event organizer Zachary Carr told The Journal. “I was inspired to organize an event that both highlighted all the good work going on in the community, while being an epic party. While I’m sure the community will turn out to see some of the best bands in the Four Corners, I’m excited to use the event to highlight community nonprofits.”

The music will begin at noon, and the festivities will go until 10 p.m. Attendees will have the opportunity to taste Fenceline’s summer seasonal cider Tesgüino Tamarind Agave Cider as well as the taproom’s other ciders and food truck.

“I want people to know that we will be featuring Desert Child, Ora, Desiderata and Influsense. All these bands have sold out the ACT in the last year, so please don’t sleep on getting your tickets,” Carr said. “The hardest part was selecting just six bands to play. We truly live in such a talented community.”

Fenceline recently purchased a food truck that will be present at Montezuma Rises. (Matthew Tangeman/Special to The Journal)

Margie Jeffcoat picks up food from the Fencepost at Fenceline. The taproom will be hosting Montezuma Rising on May 26. (Matthew Tangeman/Special to The Journal)

Up to 10 nonprofits will be highlighted at the event, and each nonprofit will have the opportunity to address attendees in between music acts. The nonprofits will also have tables set up at the event to connect with community members who wish to learn more about their missions.

“They will have booths set up for visitors to get more information about the work they’re doing, who they serve and how they can get involved,” Fenceline Taproom and Events Manager Jordan Lang said. “There will be seven or so bands that will play throughout the day, our food truck will be open and serving food and we’ll be slinging cider.”

The nonprofits who are on the roster to be highlighted as of today are Dragonfly Preschool, Medicine Horse, Mancos Gear Share, Deerhill Expeditions and the Mancos Creative District.

Carr expressed his thanks to those who have helped with preparing for May 26.

“Planning has been a lot of fun and a lot of work,” Carr said. “Chelsea Launders from the Mancos Creative District has played a huge role in reaching out to local nonprofits so that we can celebrate them at the festival. Of course, Jordan at Fenceline Cidery has been an amazing host and fantastic to work with. I also play in the band Desert Child, and we have played at Fenceline several times. The management is amazing to work with and there is nowhere I’d rather spend a late spring evening than their patio overlooking the Mancos River.”

Lang shared that the event is meant to celebrate community and spread awareness for local nonprofits.

“The goal of the event is to create a daylong community celebration that brings some of the best local bands in the Four Corners to Mancos,” Lang said. “The event seeks to promote community building by spotlight local nonprofits doing good work in the community. We hope that this will help spread awareness of what the nonprofits do, and increase volunteerism and fundraising for the nonprofits. We also hope that residents will have an opportunity to celebrate what a wonderful community Mancos is.”

Carr added that he hopes the event is a gift to attendees that allows them to appreciate the community they live in.

“I hope that everyone has a moment at the festival where they take a deep breath, look around, and say, ‘Wow, I am so lucky that I live in Mancos, Colorado.’ I love this community and I am so lucky to have found myself here. This festival is my thank you gift to all my neighbors,” Carr said.

Tickets to Montezuma Rising can be purchased online at www.eventbrite.com/e/montezuma-rising-tickets-847573654617.

Nonprofits who wish to be part of the event can reach out to Lang at jordan@fencelinecider.com.



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